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Roadmap for Bouncy Castle Java FIPS

Here you can find details about our current plans and versions in progress for the FIPS-certified editions of Bouncy Castle Java.

Bouncy Castle future

Current Overview

The BC FIPS Java Description document contains a broad overview of the motivations and design of the BC FIPS Java module.

As of BC Java 1.54 from a JCA/JCE point of view the module is largely a drop in replacement and can be used with the other BC APIs for certificate generation, CMS, TSP, S/MIME, OpenPGP and other protocols. Owing to the requirements of FIPS, particularly in respect to boundary issues the lightweight API is quite different, however the ASN.1 packages and the EC math package are the same.

Planned releases

To learn more about the scheduled additions for Bouncy Castle Java FIPS, click the version number(s) below. 

2.0.0 Stream

2.1.0 Stream

1.0.0 Stream

For previous releases, see the Bouncy Castle Java FIPS release notes