Thank you for considering making a donation to help us keep the Bouncy Castle cryptographic libraries FIPS-certified, free, open source, and maintained.
The Legion of the Bouncy Castle Inc. (ABN 84 166 338 567) is a registered Australian Charity and a registered fundraiser, in the State of Victoria, Australia. Our fundraiser registration number is FR-000014609.
Why donate?
Supporting Bouncy Castle is now a substantial effort, the Java API is now over 300,000 lines, the C# one well past 140,000. There are more standards being published every day, and most of the old ones are getting revised. What's more, we are constantly monitoring for and identifying vulnerabilities, as well as taking time to review contributed code so that the project continues to be a community-based effort as well as an open-source one. Finally, we would really like to be able to properly maintain certifications for versions of Bouncy Castle appropriately certified for FIPS and other similar standards. Please consider donating to help us keep work on the project going and to enable us to keep these libraries FIPS-certified, Free, Open Source, and Maintained!
Certifications such as FIPS are quite expensive, reading standards documents in a lot of cases requires a substantial investment in coffee just to stay awake for the process, let alone for doing the actual work, and then there's time. There's a lot the core developers would like to do on Bouncy Castle, but we lack the resources.
Our main focus at the moment though is on certifications. Certifications really do matter, if you're a developer, odds are if you keep working in this area you'll need to use a certified library one day, so you can think of donating to this effort as a good way to help broaden the areas you can apply your skills. If you're an end user, there's also a good chance you may end up talking to an organization that insists on your applications being certified with FIPS are a similar standard. Likewise, if you’re trying to develop and sell an application, not having a FIPS-certified library is going to be a significant barrier to entry in a number of markets - donating will allow us to help fix this as well. Finally, the certification efforts do have a positive effect on the quality of all the Bouncy Castle libraries. If you are interested in early access to the ongoing work on either FIPS project, consider getting a support contract through Keyfactor which will give you membership in our FIPS early access program.
All donors will be given the option of being included on an honor roll if they wish. If you would like to donate a "large amount" and would like something more in terms of acknowledgement, or you prefer to use direct bank transfer please feel free to discuss it with us by contacting us at
There is plenty more to do! So your donation will make a difference. So please contact us about support or donation or choose in the top, and please spread the word about this. Thanks!